Carry out fire drills to build a safety line of defense

In order to implement safe and standardized production and comprehensively enhance all employees' awareness of fire safety responsibility, all employees carried out an emergency evacuation drill with the theme of fire escape on July 27.
This fire emergency evacuation drill was led by the company¡¯s deputy president Wu Zhengchuan as the commander-in-chief. The members of the safety sub-level are divided into two working groups, the evacuation guidance group and the fire fighting action group, with the heads of various departments and workshops.
At 16:00, all members of the company's safety team and heads of various departments and workshops held a rehearsal meeting in the conference room on the second floor, and made careful arrangements for the fire drill.
16:30, when the alarm sounded. All employees immediately covered their mouth and nose with their hands and followed the evacuation commander on each floor to evacuate the office or workshop in an orderly manner, and quickly assembled to the safe area of the playground according to the evacuation route. After the assembly was completed, the number of departments and workshops was counted, and the actual number of people should be counted. Report to the general director of the exercise.
At 16:40, Chen Jitong, director of the technical department, explained the correct use of fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, and how to extinguish a fire in a household oil pan to all employees of the factory, and selected employee representatives to perform actual operations on stage to enable employees to master the steps and use of fire extinguishers Skills have effectively improved the employees¡¯ fire prevention knowledge and skills.
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