How to deal with the dirty switch socket?

In the time of interior decoration, we will choose appropriate switches and sockets for the convenience of life in the future. After all, there are many electrical products used at home. If we want to install switches and sockets, we should also pay attention to the regular cleaning of switches and sockets. Do not wipe the switch socket with water when it is dirty. It will be short circuited accidentally. This method is safe and useful. Let's talk about the cleaning method of the socket.

First of all, when purchasing in the early stage, we should fully consider the application demand and application frequency, select switches with better raw materials and processes, and pay attention to flame retardancy and corrosion resistance, which is more beautiful and safer.

Secondly, in wet places such as kitchens and bathrooms, adding a cover to the switch not only prevents infection with oil and water stains, but also makes the application more centering. For the switch in the toilet, the height of the device is about 150-160cm to prevent the water vapor on the ground and daily water from splashing on the surface of the switch. Of course, do not hinder daily use and kill two birds with one stone. The switch in the kitchen should be 2 meters or more away from the stove to prevent fire. In the process of application, try to reduce unnecessary switching actions, watch the bear children at home, and don't let them use the switch as a toy. Because repeated switching will accelerate the aging of the inner core, showing switch operation failure and other conditions.

Finally, if the switch turns yellow and old, and the oil stain that is difficult to remove is attached, you can wet and wring the environmental protection sponge with clean water, erase the trace by drawing a circle, and then wipe it clean with a dry cloth. If the effect is not good, you can try to scrub with a dry cloth dipped in a small number of low concentration (70% - 75%) alcohol. Do not clean with water, because cleaning with water will not only leave water traces, but also have the risk of electric shock.

You can also wet your toothbrush with a little toothpaste, brush the dirt back and forth, and then wipe it with a clean rag. Perhaps erasing the dust with an eraser is a labor-saving and money-saving way.

What are the skills of indoor switch socket device?

At present, there are two general switch structures: sliding plate type and swing rod type. The sound of slide switch is strong, and the feel is elegant and comfortable; The swing bar type has a loud sound and a slight metal impact sound. It is more stable than the traditional sliding plate type structure in eliminating arc and service life, and its skills are mature. Double hole pressing plate wiring is safer than screw crimping.

Because the former adds the contact area between the conductor and electrical materials, it is resistant to oxidation and is not easy to loose, poor contact and other obstacles; The latter screw simply damages the conductor when it is firm, and the contact area is small, which makes the electrical parts easy to oxidize and age, resulting in poor contact. Now good products use double hole pressing plate wiring method.

Human electric shock and house fire caused by leakage of power switch and socket often occur, and the loss is immeasurable. The switch socket presents safety problems, on the one hand, because of the use of low-quality products, on the other hand, perhaps because of the improper device.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the switch socket, we should carefully prepare before the installation, select the regular switch socket and understand the safety knowledge of the installation.

Before putting the switch socket device on the wall, we can prepare enough accessories according to the device description, such as metal expansion bolts, plastic expansion pipes, galvanized screws, etc., which can be purchased in regular hardware stores.

In addition, special installation tools shall be prepared before installation, such as measuring tape, level ruler and plumb bob, electric drill and binding cone for drilling, insulating gloves and wire stripping pliers for installation, etc.

The switch socket device needs to meet certain operating conditions. It is required to start after the wall whitewashing, paint, wallpaper and other decoration operations are completed. Moreover, the laying of circuit pipes and boxes has been completed, and the insulation telemetry has been completed. During operation, ensure that the weather is sunny and the house is ventilated and dry, and cut off the power supply of the electric box.
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