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What are the commonly used specifications of FFC cable?

Time:2022/6/11Author:adminClick: 711
The common specifications of FFC cables include flexible cables with various spacing, such as 0.5mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.25mm, 1.27mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.54mm, etc The wiring board is designed to replace the larger wiring harness wires

The number and spacing of wires can be arbitrarily selected for FFC cable arrangement, which makes the connection more convenient, greatly reduces the volume of electronic products, reduces production costs, and improves production efficiency. It is suitable for data transmission cables between moving parts and mainboards, between PCB boards and PCB boards, and in miniaturized electrical equipment Common specifications include flexible cables with various spacing, such as 0.5mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.25mm, 1.27mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.54mm, etc The wiring board is designed to replace the larger wiring harness wires In the current assembly board of plug-in electronic devices, cabling is usually the solution to meet the requirements of miniaturization and mobility Wiring is to etch copper circuit or print polymer thick film circuit on polymer substrate For thin, light, compact and complex devices, the design solutions range from single-sided conductive lines to complex multi-layer three-dimensional assembly The total weight and volume of the wiring arrangement are 70% less than that of the traditional round wire harness method The strength of the cables can also be increased by using reinforcing materials or lining plates to obtain additional mechanical stability

[FFC cable] technical parameters:

Number of conductors n: number of copper conductors in the flat line;

Spacing p: the distance between the center lines of two adjacent conductors;

Edge distance m: the distance from the center line of an external conductor to the edge of the horizontal line;

Full spacing tp: the distance between the center lines of two external conductors, tp=p* (n-1);

Total width w: the distance between the two edges of the horizontal line, w=p* (n+1);

Length of wire opening: the average length of exposed conductor in the longitudinal direction;

Total length tl: the distance between two ends of the cable;

Insertion thickness tt: the thickness of two connecting ends of the cable

FFC flat cable application:

FFC flat cable is a new data cable made of pet or other insulating materials and extremely thin tinned flat copper wire by pressing through the production line of high-tech automation equipment. It has the advantages of soft, random bending and folding, thin thickness, small volume, simple connection, convenient disassembly, easy to solve electromagnetic shielding (EMI), etc Because the price and cost of FFC cable is better than FPC (flexible printed circuit), its application will become more and more extensive In most places where FPC is used, FFC can be used instead

At present, it is widely used in connection between print heads and mainboards of various printers, signal transmission and board to board connection of plotters, scanners, copiers, stereos, liquid crystal appliances, fax machines, various DVD players and other products In modern electrical equipment, there is almost no place
